墨蘊渲染沉靜灰調 簡筆勾勒未來印象 2021.08.20

沉穩・蘊致 Serene・Delicate

空間項目為性質多元的投資公司, 在大坪數的場域內, 叡觀設計 黃威郡、卓玲妃 設計總監 希望以簡約俐落的視覺呈現, 呼應商業空間的大氣氛圍,與業主的沉穩歷練。 由此概念出發,在基底上,選擇灰質色調作為主軸, 透過不同質材的交互變化,展現富含層次的空間蘊致。

Seeing as a diversified investment corporation, RUIGUAN INTERIOR DESIGN Creative Director HUANG,WEI-CHUN and Director CHO,LING-FEI hope to bring about the delicacy and concise perception, which in concert with the mighty ambience of the commercial space and the ample experiences of the proprietor. Based on the concept, selected the grey tinge as the main element, accordingly by use of the interactive changes of different materials to present the rich spatial implication.
